$ 12.00
Helps us access a spiritual mystery center and access truths about our incarnation purpose
$ 13.00
A supportive essence in times of stress or overwork Ingredients: Ashwagandha and Eleuthero Etheric influences: adrenals *Delta Gardens makes no claims that essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness or...
$ 12.00
For those with invasive conditions or who find themselves in a situation that feels impossible; provides energetic support to anyone processing the toxic byproducts of an infection; promotes the free flow of...
$ 15.00
A combination of Bushy Violet Aster, Bushy White Aster, Small White Aster and Wood Aster; enables family members and loved ones to participate more deeply and fully in the dying...
$ 25.00
In this webinar, you will learn how Aster flowers, among the last to bloom in the fall, provide comfort and assistance in the dying process. Topics How Aster flower essences...
$ 80.00
The Aster Set assists in issues of death and dying. These essences help the individual and family members connect to higher values and energies during the transition process. They provide...
$ 12.00
Provides protection and support during times of trial, challenge or intense activity; seals and reinforces the personality during assault
$ 12.00
Supports our ability to see the truth; connects experience and perception to wisdom
$ 13.00
Eases fear and anxiety; elevates frequency to strengthen conscious manifestation Etheric influences: muscle, nervous system *Delta Gardens makes no claims that gem essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness...
$ 12.00
Provides energetic support to those who wish to detoxify Etheric influences: blood, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes no claims that flower essences...
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In this 2-part workshop, you'll learn how to use essences to develop your dream awareness, gain lucidity in the dream state and understand the messages of your superconscious. As part...
$ 12.00
Aligns with the heart chakra and supports purity of thought; for those who seek celibacy out of fear of not being able to create healthy relationships with the self and...
$ 13.00
Helps to calm and uplift; strengthens essence combinations; for use in combinations of release Etheric influences: hives, inflammation *Delta Gardens makes no claims that gem essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate...
$ 13.00
Energetically cools inflammations and hot spots
$ 13.00
Increases sensitivity to others; can help with compulsive eating Etheric influences: inflammation, thyroid *Delta Gardens makes no claims that gem essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness or disease. References...
$ 13.00
Energetically supports balance in the third chakra; strengthens all meridians Etheric influences: spleen, liver and bile production The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes no claims...
$ 12.00
Helps the etheric body handle the energetic effects of viral activity; has an energetic resonance with hepatitis A, HHV3, HPV and influenza *The Pansy Set is recommended for flower essence...
$ 12.00
Addresses fears that cause hardness and intensity in the personality; provides energetic support for skin imbalances caused by difficulties digesting natural and refined sugars
$ 12.00
Helps us interface with the fairy kingdom and initiate plant-spirit journeys; for attuning deeply with the plant kingdom; helps calm hyperactivity and excitable states
$ 12.00
Provides powerful grounding and protection to the physical body during expansion experiences; carries strong elephant energy; helpful for dementia; promotes ancestral healing; strengthens bones and joints
$ 13.00
Supports strength, courage and stoutheartedness; helps energy flow from the heart to the arms and hands
$ 13.00
Helps to energetically balance hostile pathogens in system; for learning how to negotiate
$ 12.00
For remembering joys of the past; helps to ease depression; can clear the etheric counterpart to protozoa overgrowth Etheric influences: blood parasites The Artemisia Set is recommended for flower essence...
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We have, within us, all of the answers that we require to live fully and freely, but accessing these insights is not always easy, particularly when we are busy with...
$ 12.00
A small flowering tree growing along the Amazon with unusual flowers, suggestive of an animal skull; a companion essence for the rehabilitation of drug or alcohol addictions; can enhance a...
$ 12.00
Enables us to cut energetic cords that hold us in toxic or unresolvable relationships; helps us understand, heal and resolve parental and family relationships
$ 12.00
Helps us trust ourselves and our inner guidance and intuition; helps develop certainty in our inner life
$ 12.00
Generates a feeling of safety in relationships; for those who subconsciously sabotage friendships and relationships The Second Chakra Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes no claims...
$ 12.00
Eases specific fears including fear of change and fear of pregnancy; eases feelings of dread and foreboding; a first-aid essence for cuts, bruises and trauma to muscle and bones; for...
$ 13.00
Soothes anxiety and nervous tension Etheric influences: intestines, cardiovascular system, pituitary *Delta Gardens makes no claims that gem essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness or disease. References to organs...
$ 13.00
Provides energetic support when elimination systems are taxed by chemical or biological toxins Etheric influences: liver The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes no claims...
$ 15.00
Provides energetic support for those whose elimination systems are taxed by chemical or biological toxins Ingredients: Beryl, Peridot, Milk Thistle Etheric influences: liver The Support Set requires special training to use effectively...
$ 12.00
This essence is currently being researched as an energetic support when invasive energies compromise the system. Etheric influences: parasites *Delta Gardens makes no claims that flower essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness...
$ 12.00
Helps the etheric body handle the energetic effects of viral activity; has an energetic resonance with HIV *The Pansy Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners.
$ 12.00
Grounded sun energy for those who cannot hold energy; for those who are depleted by others; uplifting and motivating; helps us push through barriers of lethargy, fatigue and depression; use...
$ 13.00
This essence is currently being researched as an energetic support when invasive energies compromise the system. Etheric influences: parasites *Delta Gardens makes no claims that flower essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness or...
$ 12.00
Supports and lightens the heavy-hearted; brings joy, strength and enthusiasm; helps those who are bored, distant and nonchalant
$ 12.00
Eases fears of violence; relieves fears of strong personalities and of being hurt
$ 13.00
Works on the etheric level to help stabilize and strengthen the immune system
$ 12.00
For deep fears related to identity shifts and crises; for the fear of non-existence or losing the ego; for fears related to abandonment
$ 12.00
Provides steadiness and balance for those who have wide mood swings or are given to bursts of extroversion and retreat; helps us find the center of our being
$ 12.00
Helps the etheric body handle the energetic effects of viral activity; has an energetic resonance with HHV6 and rhinovirus *The Pansy Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners.
$ 13.00
Helps to energetically release toxins and old viruses in the system
$ 13.00
Stimulates the first chakra and protects against negativity and environmental disturbances Etheric influences: adrenals, toxicity *Delta Gardens makes no claims that gem essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness...
$ 12.00
This essence is currently being researched as an energetic support when invasive energies compromise the system. Etheric influences: parasites *Delta Gardens makes no claims that flower essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness or...
$ 12.00
Helps the personality bring in and assemble previously suppressed or edited-out information due to childhood punishments; supports recovery from strict, harsh or unconscious indoctrination, such as when a child only...
$ 12.00
Stimulates the movement of energy in the third chakra; supports various rhythmic processes in the system Etheric influences: liver and kidneys The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence...