$ 12.00
For unconscious or unresolved problems in the past concerning close relationships; for healing deep fears around sexuality and releasing repressed sexual trauma
$ 12.00
For unconscious or unresolved problems in the past concerning close relationships; for healing deep fears around sexuality and releasing repressed sexual trauma The Second Chakra Set is recommended for flower essence...
$ 12.00
For quieting very active children; for fetal over-activity; good for newborns who are restless
$ 12.00
Eases fears of life and moving with life; soothes guilt and fear of punishment; enhances feelings of enjoying life; relaxes stress in the stomach area; alleviates fear of forces beyond...
$ 12.00
Helps to warm and settle scattered energy, allowing for deep healing to take place; strengthens higher guidance to support clarity and certainty about life direction and daily choices; focuses spiritual...
$ 12.00
Stimulates imagination and enhances creative processes; awakens a thirst to learn, facilitates learning and expands the thinking process; imparts wider perspectives; especially helpful for artists, writers and students; activates an...
$ 13.00
Helps us see more clearly, expansively and from many perspectives; helps with prejudice and narrow-mindedness
$ 12.00
For those who struggle against things they cannot change; use when desire causes frustration and unhappiness; promotes letting go, acceptance and contentment
$ 12.00
Calming and warming; for cold, distant and aloof personalities; for those who were not nurtured as children or who have learned to be distant to feel safe; uplifts chakra 2;...
$ 12.00
Infuses the heart with higher energies; for spiritualizing the heart chakra and building loving relationships with higher beings and energies; for developing compassion for the self and others; for understanding...
$ 12.00
Infuses the heart with higher energies; for spiritualizing the heart chakra and building loving relationships with higher beings and energies; for developing compassion for the self and others; for understanding...
$ 12.00
Helps us learn regularity in waking and sleep cycles; for balance in activity and rest; for the very creative who resist regularity
$ 12.00
For those who connect with their real or more authentic selves late at night; useful as a companion in solitude; provides both protective and transformational energy
$ 12.00
Made on Mount Phutuq K’usi near Machu Picchu, at an elevation of over 8,000 feet; supports you if you tend to overuse or squander your energy; helps you develop practices...
$ 12.00
Cultivates understanding that surpasses all understanding; helps us develop a “cool heart”
$ 13.00
Supports the fourth and fifth chakras Etheric influences: metabolism, throat, thymus *Delta Gardens makes no claims that gem essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness or disease. References to organs...
$ 13.00
Supports the system energetically when it is clearing toxins; helpful when the heavy metal miasm is present Etheric influences: liver The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes no...
$ 12.00
Gives vitality and nourishment to those who burn out or overuse life force, working intensely to finish projects at the expense of their health; helps to steady, strengthen and distribute...
$ 13.00
Relaxes the system; for those who are too tightly wound; helps us work harmoniously with others
$ 12.00
Creates movement in the heart center; use when undernourishment and abandonment in childhood result in the following personality imbalances - a chip on the shoulder, cruelty, selfishness, despair, heavy-heartedness; for...
$ 13.00
Brings the entire system into balance; use in times of stress
$ 12.00
For leaders, role models or providers; for Type A personalities or lifestyles; for workaholics and very busy, responsible people who have difficulty relaxing
$ 12.00
For those who have repressed or ignored emotional stress for years, leaving the physical body weak and susceptible to infection; eases repression and denial; helps those who gossip and meddle...
$ 13.00
Assists in the manifestation process; improves confidence
$ 13.00
Assists in the manifestation process; boosts confidence
$ 12.00
For gentle children who are troubled easily or who worry
$ 12.00
For learning to love more fully; helps those who resist loving and being loved; for those who avoid deeper feelings of caring
$ 12.00
Provides access to more positive aspects of the personality; for those who dwell in the negative and cannot cycle out of cynicism; for grumpiness, withdrawal or aloofness
$ 12.00
Provides access to more positive aspects of the personality; for those who dwell in the negative and cannot cycle out of cynicism; for grumpiness, withdrawal or aloofness
$ 12.00
Provides the concentration necessary for challenging tasks and situations; resonant with the back of the neck and the third eye
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Helps the etheric body handle the energetic effects of various kinds of heaviness and toxicity *The Mushroom Set 2 is recommended for flower essence practitioners.
$ 12.00
A deep red and orange-throated flower, growing in clusters in high altitudes along the Urubamba River in the Andes; amplifies the creation of coincidences as part of an unfolding movement...
$ 12.00
Addresses fear of loss, fear of aging and nostalgia; warrior spirit develops
$ 12.00
Gives peace, lightness and courage; brings relief to burden, depression, melancholy or fatalism
$ 12.00
From the garden of Don Luis, a shaman of the Amazon, who uses the plant for cysts and lung problems; a companion to breathing techniques to take in more energy...
$ 13.00
Helps some forms of depression Etheric influences: lungs, oxygenation *Delta Gardens makes no claims that gem essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness or disease. References to organs or physical...
$ 12.00
Helps us feel carefree and enjoy our freedom; increases joy of the moment
$ 13.00
Strengthens the lymphatic system on the etheric level
$ 12.00
For those who are developing a spiritual discipline; helps us maintain a connection to the heart when we try to discipline our mind and body; for busy or dedicated personalities...
$ 12.00
For uncertainty and ambivalence; for the wavering spirit; helps to develop a sense of purpose; use in ceremony or in a vision quest to develop clarity
$ 12.00
For recovery after sickness, misfortune, trauma or disaster; for recovery from still births or miscarriages; renews hope and renews the energy to keep going
$ 13.00
Energetically enhances female fertility and strengthens ovaries
$ 13.00
Supports white blood cells on the etheric level
$ 12.00
Awakens latent psychic gifts especially scrying, gazing and psychometry
$ 12.00
Strengthens anchoring forces and releases fears of being trapped in places or situations; eases fears of being controlled by others
$ 12.00
Helps the etheric body handle the energetic effects of viral activity; has an energetic resonance with HHV1 *The Pansy Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners.