$ 355.00
The Hawaii Set is the result of a research trip in 2013 during which David Dalton and a group of practitioners explored the varied ecosystems and plants of Maui. Over...
$ 12.00
An essence for joy, uplift and openheartedness; helps lessen depression, loneliness, shyness and worry
$ 12.00
Aligns with the heart chakra and supports purity of thought; for those who seek celibacy out of fear of not being able to create healthy relationships with the self and...
$ 12.00
Provides powerful grounding and protection to the physical body during expansion experiences; carries strong elephant energy; helpful for dementia; promotes ancestral healing; strengthens bones and joints
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Calming and warming; for cold, distant and aloof personalities; for those who were not nurtured as children or who have learned to be distant to feel safe; uplifts chakra 2;...
$ 12.00
Creates movement in the heart center; use when undernourishment and abandonment in childhood result in the following personality imbalances - a chip on the shoulder, cruelty, selfishness, despair, heavy-heartedness; for...
$ 12.00
For those who have repressed or ignored emotional stress for years, leaving the physical body weak and susceptible to infection; eases repression and denial; helps those who gossip and meddle...
$ 12.00
For experiencing the sacredness of all life; helps us feel blessed and grateful during major transitions or strife; for peace and security during the transition out of the body; for...
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A tonic for healers who misuse their powers; for those in authority who feel they are above others; for easing the effects of ego-based pride
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For journeying into the dark side of the self; for deep transformational work in groups and deep inner self-confrontation aimed at change; helps us accept and respect differences of opinion;...
$ 12.00
Carries an archetypal mother energy and helps us develop deep love, compassion and caring; for mothers who doubt their ability to care for their children and mothers who are constantly...
$ 12.00
For those who cannot forgive; a powerful cleanser for the liver and heart; helps with high blood pressure; eases criticism, perfectionism, stoicism, rigidity and coldness; for those who tend to...
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Balances the energy system, condensing a scattered, diffuse field or bringing airiness and expansion to a denser field; a restorative tonic for those who are physically depleted or yin-deficient; lightens...
$ 12.00
Sweet, soft and uplifting; an essence to ease depression
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Stimulates the throat chakra; good for those who experience jealousy, unresolved anger or resentments; helps us understand how these conditions were created; eases sinusitis, allergies and itchy skin that are...
$ 12.00
Carries the energy of Hawaii and a vibration of expanding love for the earth, nature and the cosmos; transmits a Lemurian-type energy that helps move old, stuck or heavy emotional...
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Calms an overly active mind that generates maladies; for nervous, fidgety, fear-based personalities; strengthens the nervous system and immune system when they are depleted due to nervousness
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Relaxes the personality and helps lighten feelings of heaviness or burden; eases the tendency to judge and softens black and white perceptions; teaches lessons of laughter as the best medicine...
$ 12.00
For transforming pain into wisdom and serenity; for changing traumatic life events into positive experiences; for developing joy as a way of life; opens channels of happiness and awareness of...
$ 12.00
An essence connecting the subconscious to the heart; brings an energetic connection to the deepest loves of our lives; for past-life relationship work; for dreamwork with ancestors and loved ones...
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For humility over self-aggrandizement; for those whose security and judgement of others rests in titles and degrees; helps those who separate themselves from other people because of pride; enables seers...
$ 12.00
For those who too easily absorb the energies of others, causing harm to their own systems; for water retention; allows for deep rest during sleep; energizes cells; helps with stroke...
$ 12.00
Helps us learn that unconditional love is a balance between unconditional giving and unconditional receiving; for those who become tired or critical of others due to over-giving; for those who...
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Relieves spiritual pride; for those who fabricate false spiritual experiences; for those who will not admit the truth, own their mistakes or apologize to others; teaches lessons of vulnerability as...
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Helps us trust that everything we experience in life is part of a plan; promotes ease when we are depleted; offers encouragement when we feel frustrated or forsaken; produces a...
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Assists in many imbalances in giving and receiving; addresses the type of anxiety we feel when true love has not manifested and loneliness as well as unworthiness set in; helps...
$ 12.00
Brings the love vibration of chakra 4 into chakra 2; softens chakra 2 and allows love to pass into the self; helps chakra 2 receive love energy as an awakening,...
$ 12.00
Connects the heart and the throat; for singers, storytellers, teachers and writers; helps the speaker stay in touch with the essential realities of the message; creates restfulness; helps a busy...
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Helps us recognize the inner cause and effect in healing disease; for seeing the deep soul lessons underlying illness; for those who feel sorry for themselves or blame others or...
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A restorative for shamans and those who work to heal others; a high vibration for all apprentices to white magic; can help with cord-cutting; for inner father work; helps men...
$ 12.00
Grounds, stabilizes and strengthens the heart; beneficial before and after open-heart surgery; helps us let go of old, long-standing grudges that weaken the heart; also supportive of the liver and...
$ 12.00
Deeply cleanses and strengthens the lungs, heart and liver; balances yin and yang energies, especially in the face, shoulders and chest; an immune booster and cell cleanser; good for those...
$ 12.00
Links the heart chakra and the crown chakra; helps the soul reach higher levels of spirituality; teaches humility especially to those in authority; helps us see unity in all rather...
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For serenity and relaxation; eases the tendency to hurry; helps excitable children focus; a tonic for the immune system, adrenals and nervous system; for those who identify overly with doing...
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Helps us on the path of self discovery; for lack of clarity or discernment leading to fears related to empowerment; for those afraid to explore their own power; for fear...
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Offers angelic-like energy that lifts, grounds and penetrates; eases heavy feelings in the solar plexus; promotes emotional release and imparts a feeling of sweetness and stability; provides a sense of...
$ 12.00
An essence for those who are too serious about life; helps “parentified” children regain joy and ease; for inner child work; especially for adults who were dominated and controlled as...