$ 150.00
This set contains gem and flower essences that provide energetic support to those who wish to detoxify - or who are stressed from exposure to environmental, chemical and biological substances. Includes 16 essences Etheric influences: liver...
$ 13.00
Provides energetic support to those who wish to detoxify Etheric influences: kidneys and liver The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes no claims that flower essences can...
$ 12.00
Provides energetic support to those who wish to detoxify Etheric influences: blood, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes no claims that flower essences...
$ 13.00
Energetically supports balance in the third chakra; strengthens all meridians Etheric influences: spleen, liver and bile production The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes no claims...
$ 13.00
Provides energetic support when elimination systems are taxed by chemical or biological toxins Etheric influences: liver The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes no claims...
$ 12.00
Stimulates the movement of energy in the third chakra; supports various rhythmic processes in the system Etheric influences: liver and kidneys The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence...
$ 13.00
Supports the system energetically when it is clearing toxins; helpful when the heavy metal miasm is present Etheric influences: liver The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes no...
$ 13.00
Helps eliminate self-destructive tendencies and ease toxic thought forms; a restorative essence to support renewal and regeneration Etheric influences: liver, kidneys, heart, muscles, toxemia, radiation The Milk Thistle Set is recommended...
$ 12.00
Relaxes the system and provides a deeper connection to earth energies Etheric influences: liver, muscles, mineral absorption The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes...
$ 13.00
Energetically strengthens and stimulates movement in the system; provides energetic support during a cleanse Etheric influences: liver, kidneys, heart, muscles, radiation The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta...
$ 13.00
Supports the flow of energy from the second chakra through the fifth chakra; helps to calm anger and discord Etheric influences: liver, kidneys, heart, thyroid, hormonal issues, inflammation The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower...
$ 13.00
Provides energetic support to those who are experiencing digestive imbalances Etheric influences: liver, gallbladder, intestines, digestion, constipation, ulcers The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners. *Delta Gardens makes...
$ 13.00
Energetically helps to soothe anger and frustration; eases disturbances in the system Etheric influences: liver, immune system, pituitary, pineal, endocrine system The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence practitioners....
$ 12.00
Eliminates energetic toxicity that blocks the action of vibrational remedies; a general cleanser for the entire system; enables the body to assimilate any form of healing and boosts the effectiveness...
$ 12.00
For letting go of deep anger, resentment and other held feelings that can interfere with the flow of energy through the third chakra Etheric influences: liver The Milk Thistle Set is...
$ 13.00
Strengthens and fortifies the third and fourth chakras; helps to increase confidence, personal expression and creativity Etheric influences: heart, lungs, liver, kidneys The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence...
$ 12.00
Helps to break up energetic congestion in the third chakra; increases movement and flow through the solar plexus Etheric influences: liver and gallbladder The Milk Thistle Set is recommended for flower essence...