How soon will I get back to my normal life, my normal way of being?
I want to update my comment about the use of the essence set while actively exposed to the virus as a nurse. I stated that some died-no nurses died. There were a couple of hospital workers who died but not nurses.
Many nurses were ill and indeed still recovering but it’s my belief that the immune systems of those giving direct care were stimulated by the challenge of the virus and their devotion to Service.
This belief is supported by the new evidence that protesters in close proximity did not have a higher rate of virus than others who didn’t go to protests. Did anyone consider the healing effect of uniting their auras for a “ higher purpose”, or the immune-stimulating benefits of speaking their truth?
I think not.
Sadly, it was the family members of the care-givers who were sickest, those of immigrant cultures namely, who live physically close with family and parents.
Many are bearing some painful burden of “ giving” the virus to more vulnerable family members.
I offer these comments with love and sympathy to my co-workers.
Thanks David for offering up the essences at the time you did, which both Justin and I have been taking faithfully and so far so good. Many many stories of my nurse co-workers getting sick, recovering, not all recovered yet as it takes a long time, and sadly some die.
I’m lucky that I don’t need to be in the hospital full-time, and I have good health, and good practices, among other things.
I live in the natural world as much as I can, surrounded by beauty. How blessed I am!
I used to say about a previous marriage “I want my old life back, even if I was miserable.” I think it comes down to the comfort in sameness. I don’t like it when things feel out of my control, a global pandemic, for instance. But it’s true that each of our actions and decisions are things that we do to ourselves/for our selves, and in kind, to our communities, and the planet.
My most recent mantra is “I choose happiness” which might be attributed in part to and old friend and healer, Michelle Gallant, who is no longer with us. It’s a subtle little thing that can help redirect my attention to what actually makes me happy. It doesn’t mean that I’m always going to be happy, but it helps to center me and remind me of what I need to pay attention to.
Don Miguel Ruiz says if we seek to find our happiness through others, it will always be broken at some point.
Thanks, David, Thanks flowers, Thanks essences! We will all heal!
So beautifully stated. Healing is the continuous work of healthy self-communication and allowing ones light to pour back out into the world 🙏
Thank You David for helping the world re member. Each individual creates the whole
Your life’s work is needed more then ever before.
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David Dalton